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Aurora Animal Hospital

Make Their Golden Years Their Best Years

Pets are living longer than ever before thanks to advancements in preventative care and nutrition. Dogs and cats that are seven years and older are considered senior pets and as such, need extra care. Studies indicate that at least 1 out of 5 senior pets have undetected medical conditions, which can rapidly progress sometimes before symptoms are evident. It's important to remember that age is not a disease. Although senior pets may develop age-related problems, you can help your pet live a happy, healthy, and active life in their senior years. We can help you determine the optimal approach to helping your senior feel the best they can for maximum comfort and quality of life.

General recommendations for senior pets over the age of 7 years old:

  • Vaccinations – we do recommend continuing vaccinations for the duration of your pet’s life as they are still suspectible, sometimes even more so, to diseases prevented by vaccines.

  • Twice yearly physical exams, ideally 6 months apart. Regular veterinary examinations can detect problems in older pets, before those problems become serious or life-threatening, which can lead to a longer, healthier life for your pet.

  • Screening bloodwork at least yearly to identify disease processes earlier. Unfortunately there are no good blood test options for 99% of pet cancers but some routine bloodwork changes can be indicative of possible cancers.

“When will I know it’s time to consider quality of life or euthanasia?” Although the timing of euthanasia is a personal decision, we can help you in making that choice. Please see more information about End of Life Care.